Quick 3D city design with detailed aerial photographs
With just two clicks, import high-resolution aerial photos, 3D buildings, roads, paths, trees, and water features using the PlaceMaker SketchUp Pro extension.
PlaceMaker Features
Google Earth 3D
Import 3D models directly from Google Earth into your SketchUp model.Here you can choose from four different levels of detail: from low for large surfaces and mass studies to high for detailed environments.
PlaceMaker is available in the following licensing options (excl. 21% VAT).
- Perfect for small projects and students
- Data imports require credits
- Imports limited to 4km2
per year
- Perfect for commercial use
- Includes 1000 Credits
- Includes building bundle
- Free OpenstreetMap data
- Data at discounted credit rate
- Unlimited imports
per year
- For active users
- Free OpenStreetMap Data
- Data at discounted credit rate
- Unlimited imports
Questions or more information?
If you’d like more information about PlaceMaker, please contact us.