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Sustainable Design with Real-Time Findings

A cost-effective solution for early design energy analysis!

Sustainable Design with Real-Time Findings
Enscape Impact combines energy performance with real-time rendering

Dealing with climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sector is at the forefront when it comes to the transition to sustainability in construction. As a significant proportion of global CO2 emissions are attributable to buildings, analysing building energy performance is of great importance. Enscape Impact, an additional module specifically for seamless integration of energy analysis into your visualisation process, plays into this conveniently.

According to research by the Global Alliance for Building and Construction, buildings account for as much as 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions worldwide. Daily use, such as heating, cooling and energy consumption, accounts for about 28% of these emissions. Some 11% of emissions are attributable to materials manufacturing and construction processes. Decarbonisation has therefore become a necessity.

Sustainable design and analysis for everyone

Buildings are more than a sum of parts; the realisation, use and eventual dismantling of a structure are important decision moments. The choices made at these stages actually increase or decrease our ecological footprint.

Chaos’ mission is to reduce this carbon footprint and make building performance and analysis technology accessible to all. To provide this technology, they work closely with international climate technology company IES. Together, they have developed Enscape Impact to prioritise building performance, design smarter and build better.

To this end, Enscape Impact’s interface provides architects and designers with clear, visual representations of the energy consumption and therefore environmental impact of their designs. Right in the visualisation process, so you don’t have to take extra steps in the design process or buy expensive analysis software. This not only saves you time, but also money!

Besides a real-time photorealistic representation of your building from Enscape itself, in Enscape Impact you have instant insight into the energy performance and environmental impact of your designs with just a few clicks. This allows you to optimise performance and sustainability directly in your workflow, without sacrificing creativity. With the results, you convince clients, decision makers and colleagues not only of the aesthetic, but also of the sustainable value of your designs.

Insights from Enscape Impact are powered by the APACHE engine. THE APACHE engine was developed by IES. This powerful engine, regarded worldwide as the best whole-building energy simulation engine, performs dynamic thermal simulations to provide a detailed understanding of a building’s energy performance.

Efficient and effective collaboration

Enscape Impact works together with the visualisation extension Enscape, which is available for the design applications SketchUp, Revit, Vectorworks, Archicad and Rhino. Therefore, it is not only a good tool for architects and designers, but also for the entire AEC community. BIM managers, modellers, designers, engineers and architects can collaborate early in the design process to create buildings that are not only beautiful, but also meet a project’s sustainability goals. This allows multiple disciplines to work together more efficiently and effectively.

To make technology applicable to everyone, the first step is education. Enscape Impact provides useful tips to guide you through the analysis process. Just enter the geo-location, building type, year of construction and any latest renovation and the module will calculate everything for you:

  • Peak loads;
  • Annual total CO2 emissions;
  • Average energy consumption per m2;
  • Total annual energy consumption for heating, cooling, lighting, hot water and equipment.

So you too can easily start with sustainable design, even if you have no experience in energy analysis.

An accessible and affordable solution 

By adding Enscape Impact to your workflow, Enscape offers an affordable solution with both robust and accurate visualisation capabilities. And because the software does not demand the utmost from your hardware, you do not need to invest in new, heavy hardware.

So start with Enscape and Impact today and help build a green future too!


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Enscape Impact

Quick insights for sustainable design.

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