Twinmotion 2023.2, Preview 1 Launched by Epic Games
This update brings great new features and is a must-have for any visualization toolkit!

We are pleased to present you with the newest version of Twinmotion by Epic Games. Twinmotion 2023.2 Preview 1 has several fantastic new features and is available at a competitive price, so it shouldn’t be missing in any visualization toolbox!
What’s new?
New Trial Mode
The latest demo version of Twinmotion is now called the Community Edition and will include the following limitations:
- Maximum 2K Output
- Watermark
- No Cloud options
Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections
The Lumen system lights scenes with Global Illumination (GI) in real time, in a manner similar to path tracer realism. In the Ambience panel under Render, you can now find two options: Standard and Lumen:
- The Standard option, which is the real-time rendering method used in previous Twinmotion versions, utilizes Light Propagation Volumes (LPV). It involves a voxelization process that calculates a luminous approximation for each cell in the scene.
- The Lumen option is based on ray tracing and calculates one light bounce and one reflection bounce on surfaces, giving much better rendering quality results.
EV100 Real-World Lighting Support
Twinmotion now supports real-world light values for Sun intensity (65,000-100,000 Lux). To do so, the developer made changes to the light intensity maximum value range and updated the Auto-exposure algorithm.
Local Exposure
New Local exposure settings can be found in the Ambience panel under Env > Exposure. Local exposure automatically applies local adjustments to exposure and includes options to preserve highlight and shadow details on top of the existing exposure settings. This is particularly useful for projects with challenging high dynamic range scenes. In such cases, the global Exposure setting may not adequately prevent blown-out highlights and completely dark shadows.
Glass Optimization
A new optimized basic glass to improve the rendering times in scenes that use multiple glass layers. This new glass has been stripped of all specific features that weighed it down and should mainly be used for simple architectural clear glass purposes.
This option is an alternative to the Standard and Colored glass and appears as the Basic option in the parameters for materials in the Properties panel.
Sketchfab assets maintain hierarchy mode
In previous versions, Sketchfab assets were exclusively imported in a collapsed mode. In this new release, if a Sketchfab asset was created in multiple parts, by default it is imported in a keep hierarchy mode as multiple meshes.
When you drag a Sketchfab asset into the Viewport, a container is automatically created in the Scene graph and contains the separated meshes.
In short, there are enough reasons to test Twinmotion 2023.2 Preview 1 for free (for your non-commercial projects). Users who already have a full license can download their free update via the Epic Launcher.
Satisfied? Purchase a full license of Twinmotion 2023 for only € 425,- excluding VAT!
Twinmotion 2023 – Full License | € 425,- |
Twinmotion 2023 – Upgrade from 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 | € 0,-* |